To create a revolutionary change in health knowledge, attitudes and behaviors through targeted strategies and motivational approaches to improving health outcomes.
This change will be accomplished through the provision of published information, lectures, workshops and the development of Prime Time Sister Circles® (PTSC) and Prime Time Woman Circles® (PTWC).
#RedDressAwards Honorees on the need to improve care and awareness of heart disease among African American women, February 04, 2020 - Lincoln Center, New York, NY
We have written Prime Time to help African American women focus on their health and provide assistance to them in making immediate and ongoing major lifestyle changes.
"We empower women to make health their first priority"
"Prime Time is a great help to all of us; those who pay attention and those who should pay attention. The old saying 'a stitch in time saves nine' is never more accurate than in concerning our health. This is a book everyone needs because everyone has a woman in our lives that we love and want to keep with us; ourselves, our aunts, our mothers, our grandmothers. Marilyn Gaston and Gayle Porter have done a wonderful service for us all."
-Nikki Giovanni

We motivate women to improve their health outcomes and reduce obesity and chronic illnesses by increasing knowledge, improving attitudes, and changing behaviors in the targeted risk factor areas of: unmanaged stress; poor nutrition; sedentary behavior; and failure to prioritize their health

"Prime Time is a groundbreaking book that encourages midlife Black women to take charge of their lives.
Dr. Marilyn Hughes Gaston and Dr. Gayle K. Porter have produced one of the most comprehensive books on Black women's health ever.
No home will be complete without this virtual encyclopedia on sisters' maintaining health at any age……"
-ESSENCE August, 2001