(Registered Trademark of The Gaston & Porter Health Improvement Center, Inc.)
Prime Time Woman
Many mid-life women of various racial/ethnic groups share similar health challenges and opportunities. We are often starting to experience real concerns about our emotional and physical health and our mortality. We see the signs and symptoms that often accompany chronic illness e.g. increased blood pressure; decreased energy; acute and chronic stress. We are also the “sandwich generation” often caught between aging parents with their multiple physical and emotional needs and our adult children and grandchildren.
However, we are also often more aware of our right and responsibility to use our time, energy and money to promote our own emotional, physical and emotional health.
We are more open to seeking support in making the changes that can increase our health outcomes. Thus, we are more ready than, maybe, at any other time in our lives for the Prime Time Woman Circles™ (PTWC).
The PTWC is designed to be a gender and age specific, curriculum-based, 12 week, interactive support group intervention for women between 40-75 years of age. It is facilitated and three (3) experts are utilized for stress management, nutrition and fitness to teach the skills and tools needed to live healthier lives.
The Circles meet for 2 hours a week in community based settings e.g. churches; libraries; community and health centers.

Our Programs are available in select areas of the United States, while we continue to expand to diverse communities.
Our Program Goals:

Empower women to make health their first priority.
Motivate women to improve their health outcomes and reduce obesity and chronic illnesses by increasing knowledge, improving attitudes, and changing behaviors in the targeted risk factor areas of: unmanaged stress; poor nutrition; sedentary behavior; and failure to prioritize their health.

Reduce risk factors for obesity and chronic illness through a holistic approach to change and prevention.
Provide the necessary skills and tools through weekly sessions using the GPHIC designed curriculum; facilitators and experts; and daily use of a log for behavior journaling to enable women to replace habits of disease with habits of health.
Provide individualized plans to live daily lives of primary and secondary prevention.

Support women in:
providing the necessary skills and tools through weekly sessions using the GPHIC designed curriculum; facilitators and experts; and daily use of a log for behavior journaling to enable women to replace habits of disease with habits of health.
Providing individualized plans to live daily lives of primary and secondary prevention.
Assisting women with no medical home to find and enter into ongoing health care.
Expand current programs through the development of a cadre of women facilitators/ community health leaders to institutionalize a health movement in their communities.
Continue to document the results of the intervention in journals (JNMA,2007) and presentation.
The development of the National Training Institute.